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Mar 26Liked by Eric Engle

Well, brother, much of what you say about Putin and his thugs rings true. However, I fear breaking the Russian Federation will be dinner call for the west’s own post-capitalist gangster class: vultures that have been circling hungrily over Russia since Putin’s ascent to power. They’ve been screeching for the destruction and vivisection of Ukraine since the Clinton administration, and, imo, are plainly at a loss to prosecute the conflict they’ve incited, beyond padding their corporate wargasm profits.

When rasputita ends in April, the pretense of a viable AFU, much less victory over Russia, will end with it. Unless our western yapping class ‘leadership’ actually succeeds in doing something as wildly stupid as posting NATO troops openly to Ukraine, Russia will be dictating the terms of Ukraine’s partition and governance this fall. If Macron’s dissociative blatherskite nonsense is not a fan dance, and actually results in the deployment of western troops to the battle theater, ugly things beyond the scope of this comment become possible. I have no gods to hear, still I pray even our blind and gormless western leaders can be deterred from such idiocy.

Leaderless resistance is what I’ve been doing since 1976, and it is not going so well. Still, I see the results of every single ‘successful’ armed revolution in history, and am determined to remain pacifist in method, if not completely so in heart.

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